
CTL Certification Project Update 4 - July 6, 2010

Page history last edited by Heather Voran 14 years, 6 months ago

CTL Certification Project Update #4–July 6, 2010

I apologize for the tardiness of this report—it is actually 2 weeks’ worth of updates.  I hope to keep it short this time, however, because:

  1. We have tons to do an I know you don’t have time for reading a long report, and;
  2. I’m on vacation!  :-)


Thank you for the successful meeting!


Thank you to everyone involved in making last week’s meeting with ENMU officials such a success.  They seem truly excited about this project, and it couldn’t have all been put together without your input, whether it was providing content for the wiki, providing lunch, or providing your input (and moral support) during the meeting.  You are all truly AWESOME!!


We are going to get started on the writing portion of the course this week, as we are quickly running out of time.  After the meeting, those who were there met to determine our next steps.  Although Joy has indicated that if there is funding, we will be able to get a couple of licenses of the Articulate software, we are not sure when that will happen.  As a result, we are starting in Softchalk, then we’ll go from there.  We also decided to meet on a weekly basis to work together, review, and brainstorm.  We decided on Tuesday mornings from 10:00-1:00 in the CTL lab, with the first two hours being brainstorming/work time for those who prefer to work as a group, while the last hour we will all meet to review and discuss what was accomplished that week.  By the way, in a moment of silliness, we decided to call ourselves the AC YoYos, not to be confused with YaYas.  Don’t ask.  Anyway, Beverly, although you cannot physically be there with us, we would like for you to call (or Skype) in during the meeting times when possible to join in the discussion. 


And finally, just FYI, officials from ENMU will be adding input and resources to the wiki, as well as reviewing the modules as we complete them.



Softchalk Template


Attached to this message you will find the updated Softchalk template for writing the modules.  Kay and I modified a template last week, adding ENMU colors and logo, heading, font, background color, etc., which I sent to you earlier today.  Then Jana, Kay, and Pam worked this morning to modify the template providing the outline for each module.  So please discard the one sent this morning and use this one in its place.



Module Assignments

Here is a reminder of the modules we have all agreed to work on:


Beverly: Evaluating Online Instruction - Chapter 10 in Trends and Issues

Carol:  Adult Learning Styles and a situational case study for discussion -

Heather: Interactivity and Teaching Strategies; “How to” segments - Chapter 30 in Trends and Issues

Jana: Communication and Motivation - Chapter 9 in Trends and Issues

Kay: Instructional Design Models (Dick & Cary/ADDIE); Online Portfolio (Notebook)

Pam: Introduction to Online Learning; Developing Orientation Materials


Remember—this does not mean you are “on your own” working on these sections.  It means you are writing, but the others are continuing to gather materials as we can on all subjects and share with you.  Also, using the Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology book, determine which chapters, if any, most closely apply to your module and let me know ASAP so I can make sure there is no repetition/overlap.


That’s it for this week…write away!!




Heather Voran

Faculty Instructional Designer

Technology Specialist

Amarillo College




The fact that students differ may be inconvenient, but it is inescapable.

-Theodore Sizer


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