
Rubric for Online Instruction

Page history last edited by Beverly Fite 14 years, 6 months ago

Rubric for Online Instruction

To view the Rubic, go to:  http://www.csuchico.edu/tlp/resources/rubric/rubric.pdf


California State University, Chico's first strategic priority is to create and

enhance high quality learning environments. Academic technologies,

especially online or web-enhanced courses, have a significant role in the

creation of those learning environments. The University's Strategic Priorities

challenge faculty and staff to use academic technologies to create and

enhance high quality learning environments in a demonstrable manner.

What should a quality online course look like?

This rubric offers a framework for addressing this question. Use of this rubric

represents a developmental process for online course design and delivery,

and provides a means for an instructor to self-assess course(s) based on

University expectations. Furthermore, the rubric provides a means for

supporting and recognizing a faculty member's effort in developing expertise

in online instruction as part of our commitment to high quality learning


The Rubric for Online Instruction can be used in one of three


As a course "self-evaluation" tool - advising instructors how to revise an

existing course to the Rubric for Online Instruction.

(Workshops may be offered for faculty to learn how to address each

category in the rubric, demonstrating with examples.)


As a way to design a new course for the online environment, following

the rubric as a road map.


As a means for getting public recognition for exemplary online instruction

- going through a nomination/recognition process on a campus. Faculty

can receive recognition to go in their RTP file.


Historical Perspective

The process by which faculty and staff came together to write this rubric is

available for your review, at http://www.csuchico.edu/celt/roi/history.shtml.

This describes the history and work of a dedicated committee.

The Rubric for Online Instruction initiated the Exemplary Online

Instruction Awards, a recognition made public at the annual CELT

Conference in Chico, CA. The Web site demonstrating examples of

exemplary online instruction is available for viewing, from the Center for

Excellence in Learning and Teaching web site, http://www.csuchico.edu/celt/.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United

States License. To view a copy of this license, visit

http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ or send a letter to

Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California,

94105, USA.

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