
Introduction to Online Learning

Page history last edited by Heather Voran 14 years, 8 months ago

Carol Buse:  Ideas for Introduction to Online Learning:


I. Instead of starting out by defining online learning, I think this would be a great opportunity for students in this module to introduce themselves and then to reflect on what online learning is:


a. How it differs from traditional seated learning -- from both student and instructor point of view

b. How it differs from the “old fashioned” self-paced learning - - from both student and instructor point of view

c. Make an ongoing “list” of what factors must be considered by faculty teaching an online class

d. Make an ongoing “list” of what factors must be considered by students taking an online class

e. Which of the factors they would be most interested in exploring in this course.


Maybe have a guided discussion on the above. 


II. Have links to resources (narrative, videos, etc)  on online learning that they can refer to in above discussion. 


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